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Microglial Cell Dysfunction in CRB1-Associated Retinopathies

Publicatiejaar 2019
Gepubliceerd in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Auteur(s) C.H.F. Alves, J. Wijnholds

Inherited retinal diseases encompass a large group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous diseases estimated to affect two million people worldwide. Among these people, approximately 80,000 are or will become blind in their first decades of life due to mutations in both alleles of the Crumbs homologue-1 (CRB1) gene. Microglia are the resident immune surveyor cells in the retina, and their roles have been heavily studied in several retinal diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa (RP), age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. However, very little is known about the role of microglia in CRB1-associated retinopathies. Thus, we here summarize the main findings described in the literature concerning inflammation and the role of microglia in CRB1-patients and CRB1-rodent models.

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