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Enhancing Non-Invasive Pre-Surgical Evaluation through Functional Connectivity and Graph Theory in Drug-Resistant Focal Epilepsy

Publicatiejaar 2024
Gepubliceerd in Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Auteur(s) Silvana Pelle, Anna Scarabello, Lorenzo Ferri, Giulia Ricci, Francesca Bisulli, Mauro Ursino

BACKGROUND: Epilepsy, characterized as a network disorder, involves widely distributed areas following seizure propagation from a limited onset zone. Accurate delineation of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) is crucial for successful surgery in drug-resistant focal epilepsy. While visual analysis of scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) primarily elucidates seizure spreading patterns, we employed brain connectivity techniques and graph theory principles during the pre-ictal to ictal transition to define the epileptogenic network.

METHOD: Cortical sources were reconstructed from 40-channel scalp EEG in five patients during pre-surgical evaluation for focal drug-resistant epilepsy. Temporal Granger connectivity was estimated ten seconds before seizure and at seizure onset. Results have been analyzed using some centrality indices taken from Graph theory (Outdegree, Hubness). A new lateralization index is proposed by taking into account the sum of the most relevant hubness values across left and right regions of interest.

RESULTS: In three patients with positive surgical outcomes, analysis of the most relevant Hubness regions closely aligned with clinical hypotheses, demonstrating consistency in EZ lateralization and location. In one patient, the method provides unreliable results due to the abundant movement artifacts preceding the seizure. In a fifth patient with poor surgical outcome, the proposed method suggests a wider epileptic network compared with the clinically suspected EZ, providing intriguing new indications beyond those obtained with traditional electro-clinical analysis.

CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method could serve as an additional tool during pre-surgical non-invasive evaluation, complementing data obtained from EEG visual inspection. It represents a first step toward a more sophisticated analysis of seizure onset based on connectivity imbalances, electrical propagation, and graph theory principles.

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