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Marlene Bartos – University of Leipzig

Neuroscience Symposium

Datum 25 oktober 2024
Onderzoeksgroep Kole
Locatie Amsterdam
Programma 16:00 uur – The role of inhibition in shaping hippocampal spatial codes
16:45 uur – Discussie en borrel

Prof. Dr. Marlene Bartos investigates how information is processed and encoded in neuronal networks to realise learning, memory and behaviour. Utilising electrophysiological, imaging, molecular and computational approaches they study fundamental questions from the level of the cellular and molecular events underlying synaptic communication to how different neuron types govern the emergence of neuronal network oscillations during behaviour. Marlene Bartos is director of the Institute for Physiology in Freiburg and recipient of numerous prizes. She leads a Collaborative Research Center, a transregional alliance of multiple universities, bridging the gap between basic and applied neurosciences, focusing on interneurons and the development of new therapeutic strategies restoring healthy cognitive function in various psychiatric disorders.

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