Perception and behavior in a variable world
13.30 – 13.40: Matthew Self – introduction
Block 1: Building blocks of perception and behavior.
13.40 – 14.10
Enny van Beest (NIN/UCL) – The role of basal ganglia pathways in perceptual decisions.
14.10 – 14.40
Aleksandra Badura (Erasmus) – The role of hind and midbrain inhibition in autism-like behaviors.
14.40 – 15.10
Huib Mansvelder (CNCR) – Cortical neuronal diversity supporting human cognition.
15.10-15.30: Coffee Break
Block 2: Perception in a variable world
15.30 – 16.00
Uta Noppeney (RU) – Solving the causal inference problem.
16:00 – 16.30
Conrado Bosman (UvA) – Exploring the influence of behavior and sleep deprivation on cortical neuronal Variability. 1
6:30 – 17:00
Fritjof Helmchen (UZH) – Behavior-relevant top-down cross-modal predictions in mouse neocortex.
17.00 – 17.30: Networking/drinks.
On behalf of the organisers,
Enny van Beest & Pieter Roelfsema
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