Morgane Ruffel
PhD student
Over Morgane
Morgane followed the Neurasmus – Erasmus Master in Neuroscience and graduated in summer 2024. After following courses at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam and and internship in Bordeaux, she flew across the ocean to Québec, Canada for her Master thesis. Under the supervision of Pf. Breton-Provencher, she became passionate about the role of interneurons in the cortex in modulating circuitry in response to sensory inputs. She studied their activity using in vivo two-photon calcium imaging.
Having developed a keen interest in the underlying cellular mechanisms for such plasticity, she is currently starting a project about investigating the role of Chandelier Cells in modulating the axon initial segment of pyramidal cells and its impact on predictive coding in the visual cortex. She will be using state of the art electrophysiological tools, and two-photon and confocal imaging.
She is very happy to be back in Amsterdam for the science, but also for the stroopwafels. Outside of the lab, she likes to go to concerts, boulder and do potery.
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