We previously showed that rats on a free-choice high-fat-high-sugar (fcHFHS) diet become rapidly obese and develop glucose intolerance within a week. Interestingly, neither rats on a free-choice high-fat diet (fcHF), although equally obese and hyperphagic, nor rats on a free-choice high-sugar (fcHS) diet consuming more sugar water, develop glucose intolerance. We here investigated whether changes in insulin sensitivity contribute to the observed glucose intolerance and whether this was related to consumption of saturated fat and/or sugar water. Rats received either a fcHFHS, fcHF, fcHS or chow diet for one week. We performed a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp with stable isotope dilution to measure endogenous glucose production (EGP; hepatic insulin sensitivity) and glucose disappearance (Rd; peripheral insulin sensitivity). Rats on all free-choice diets were hyperphagic, but only fcHFHS-fed rats showed significantly increased adiposity. EGP suppression by hyperinsulinemia in fcHF-fed and fcHFHS-fed rats was significantly decreased compared to chow-fed rats. One week fcHFHS diet also significantly decreased Rd. Neither EGP suppression nor Rd was affected in fcHS-fed rats. Our results imply that, short-term fat feeding impaired hepatic insulin sensitivity, whereas short-term consumption of both saturated fat ánd sugar water, impaired hepatic and peripheral insulin sensitivity. The latter likely contributed to previously observed glucose intolerance. In contrast, overconsumption of only sugar water affected insulin sensitivity slightly, but not significantly, in spite of similar adiposity as fcHF-fed rats and higher sugar intake compared to fcHFHS-fed rats. These data imply that the palatable component consumed plays a role in the development of site specific insulin sensitivity.
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