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Prenatal NeuN+ neurons of Down syndrome display aberrant integrative DNA methylation and gene expression profiles

Publicatiejaar 2022
Gepubliceerd in Epigenomics
Auteur(s) Peter Henneman, Adri N Mul, Andrew Yf Li Yim, Izabela M Krzyzewska, Mariëlle Alders, Adelia Adelia, Mark Mizee, Marcel Mannens

Aim: To detect expression quantitative trait methylation (eQTM) loci within the cerebrum of prenatal Down syndrome (DS) and controls. Material & methods: DNA methylation gene expression profiles were acquired from NeuN+ nuclei, obtained from cerebrum sections of DS and controls. Linear regression models were applied to both datasets and were subsequently applied in an integrative analysis model to detect DS-associated eQTM loci. Results & conclusion: Widespread aberrant DNA methylation and gene expression were observed in DS. A substantial number of differentially methylated loci were replicated according to a previously reported study. Subsequent integrative analyses (eQTM) yielded numerous associated DS loci. the authors associated DNA methylation, gene expression and eQTM loci with DS that may underlie particular DS phenotypical characteristics.

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