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The Sleeping Cerebellum

Onderzoeksgroep De Zeeuw
Publicatiejaar 2017
Gepubliceerd in Trends in Neurosciences
Auteur(s) Cathrin Canto, Yoshiyuki Onuki, Bastiaan Bruinsma, Y.D. van der Werf, C.I. De Zeeuw

We sleep almost one-third of our lives and sleep plays an important role in critical brain functions like memory formation and consolidation. The role of sleep in cerebellar processing, however, constitutes an enigma in the field of neuroscience; we know little about cerebellar sleep-physiology, cerebro-cerebellar interactions during sleep, or the contributions of sleep to cerebellum-dependent memory consolidation. Likewise, we do not understand why cerebellar malfunction can lead to changes in the sleep-wake cycle and sleep disorders. In this review, we evaluate how sleep and cerebellar processing may influence one another and highlight which scientific routes and technical approaches could be taken to uncover the mechanisms underlying these interactions.

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