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The stress-axis in multiple sclerosis

Onderzoeksgroep Huitinga
Publicatiejaar 2021
Gepubliceerd in Handbook of Clinical Neurology
Auteur(s) Jeroen Melief, I. Huitinga, Stefan M Gold

Altered activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) stress-axis has been implicated in the pathogenesis and progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) and linked to the development of specific symptoms and comorbidities such as mood disorders, fatigue, or cognitive dysfunction. Overall the HPA-axis is activated or hyperresponsive in MS, though a hyporesponsive HPA-axis has been observed in a subgroup of MS patients that has a more severe course of the disease. Here we provide an overview of the possible causes of HPA-axis activation, sex- and subtype dependent differences, pathological, cellular, and molecular effects, and the clinical correlates of HPA-axis activity in MS.

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