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Time-resolved searchlight analysis of imagined visual motion using 7 T ultra-high field fMRI

Publicatiejaar 2016
Gepubliceerd in Data in Brief
Auteur(s) Thomas C Emmerling, Jan Zimmermann, Bettina Sorger, Martin A Frost, R. Goebel

Interindividual differences play a crucial role in research on mental imagery. The inherently private nature of imagery does not allow for the same experimental control that is possible in perception research. Even when there are precise instructions subjects will differ in their particular imagery strategy and, hence, show different brain activations. Here, we show results of a time-resolved searchlight analysis for 12 individual subjects who perform a visual motion imagery task. The data show the spatial and temporal extent of brain areas and time windows that allow for a successful decoding of the direction of imagined motion out of four options. Accuracy maps for six different time windows are shown for every individual subject and are made freely available on NeuroVault. These data accompany the findings in the publication “Decoding the direction of imagined visual motion using 7 T ultra-high field fMRI” (Emmerling et al., 2016) [1].

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