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Whole genome association analysis shows that ACE is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and fails to replicate most candidates from Meta-analysis.

Publicatiejaar 2010
Gepubliceerd in International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics
Auteur(s) J. Webster, E.M. Reiman, V.L. Zismann, K.D. Joshipura, J.V. Pearson, D. Hu-Lince, M.J. Huentelman, D.W. Craig, K.D. Coon, T.G. Beach, K.C. Rohrer, A.S. Zhao, D. Leung, L. Bryden, L. Marlowe, M. Kaleem, D. Mastroeni, A. Grover, J. Rogers, R. Heun, F. Jessen, H. Kolsch, C.B. Heward, R. Ravid, M.L. Hutton, S. Melquist, R.C. Petersen, R.J. Caselli, A. Papassotiropoulos, D.A. Stephan, J. Hardy, A.J. Myers

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