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Computational Master Internship: Effect of visual experience on audiovisual integration

Onderzoeksgroep Levelt
Locatie Amsterdam
Dagelijkse begeleiding Huub Terra
Senior docent Christiaan Levelt

Project description

This project is embedded in the Molecular Visual Plasticity group of Prof. Christiaan Levelt that studies the visual system in mice. Specifically, this project will focus on how a loss of vision early in life (blindness) and adult recovery of vision affects the integration of auditory and visual information in the visual cortex. We do this using dark rearing of mice, widefield calcium imaging and calcium imaging using two-photon microscopy in awake behaving animals.

Objectives and tasks

The largest part of the data has been collected and needs to be pre-processed and analysed using Matlab:

a)        Data curation of two-photon recordings.

b)        Analysis of mouse face videos using FaceMap.

c)         Analysis and interpretation of two-photon calcium imaging data. The analysis will be on neuronal population and single neuron level.

d)        There is a possibility to take part in ongoing experiments as a side project. This will likely involve two-photon calcium and habituation of mice.

This internship will provide you with the opportunity to learn valuable skills that are highly regarded in the field of systems neuroscience, interact with other researchers at the NIN and present your data to your peers.


–       Analytical background and proven ability to program and analyse data proficiently in Matlab or related languages. Specific types of analyses for this project can be learned during the internship.

–       Interest in systems neuroscience.

–       Fluent in English.


The internship is full-time for a minimum duration of 6 months. The starting date is flexible. Please note that there will be no financial support provided for this internship.


Please email your application directly to Dr. Huub Terra (, including the following documents:

–       A short cover letter or email explaining what interests you about the project and highlighting relevant previous experience.

–       Up-to-date CV.

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Toegestane bestandstypen: pdf, doc, docx, Max. bestandsgrootte: 1 MB.
Toegestane bestandstypen: pdf, doc, docx, Max. bestandsgrootte: 1 MB.
Toegestane bestandstypen: pdf, doc, docx, Max. bestandsgrootte: 1 MB.

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