At the Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging advanced technology collides with innovative neuro- and clinical sciences. The Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging is a core research facility and knowledge hub of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and the Amsterdam University Medical Center (UMC). Within these institutes, the Spinoza Centre is embedded in the Amsterdam UMC Research Imaging Core Center (RICC), Amsterdam Neuroscience, and the VU Institute Brain and Behaviour Amsterdam (iBBA). The Spinoza Centre offers its ultra-sensitive MRI-scanners to over four hundred researchers in the Amsterdam region for their fundamental research into the workings of the brain and brain disorders. The Spinoza Centre also welcomes academic and industrial research programs in areas other than the brain. The Centre houses a 3 Tesla and an ultra-high field 7 Tesla MRI-scanner. Ultra-high field MRI visualizes the brain at unprecedented high resolution, in terms of function, anatomy, connectivity and metabolism in the living human brain. The Spinoza 7T MRI is the most powerful MRI machine in the Amsterdam area.
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