A recombinant AAV-2 vector encoding the green fluorescent protein (gfp) under the control of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter was injected into the striatum at varying antero-posterior coordinates. When the virus was delivered to the anterior part of the striatum, transduction efficiency was low and limited to the vicinity of the needle tract. In contrast, after injection into the posterior part of the striatum, in addition to a localized transduced area in the striatum, efficient and widespread transduction was observed at distance from the injection site, in the globus pallidus. In the latter case, labelled cells were also detected in the internal capsule and in the stria terminalis. The number of transduced cells in the striatum increased up to I month and then decreased whereas in the globus pallidus, transduction was maximal as early as 2 weeks post-injection. In the striatum and in the globus pallidus, the labelled cells had a neuron-like morphology. In contrast, in the internal capsule, labelled cells had a glial-like morphology.
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