A recent venue in experimental design regards stimulus presentation guided by electrophysiological brain signals. One such procedure, developed in our lab, is based on signal modelling to track and predict oscillatory activity. This, in turn, allows fine-tuned manipulations, like precise targeting of stimuli to any desired phase of brain oscillations. This talk will deal with technological advances in CLNS, including its application to a variety of brain waves, and the development of an EEG wearable that allows CLNS to be applied in home and clinical environments. In addition, we will discuss the use of modelling-based CLNS in fundamental studies on the neural underpinnings of dreaming and the role of REM sleep theta in emotional memory processing. The last part of the talk will regard clinically oriented studies, investigating the possibilities to improve sleep and treat maladaptive memories through modelling-based CLNS in several patient populations.
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