Judit Campdepadros
PhD student
Over Judit
Project description:
My research interest lie at the intersection of social learning, prosocial behaviour, and moral conflict. Specifically, I focus on how we learn the consequences of our actions when deciding between conflicting outcomes for the self or another individual. Currently one of my projects investigates the role of gender in these self-other conflictual learning process by leveraging computational models of behaviour. In addition, I employ fMRI and eye-tracking to unravel how the regulatory processes that take place in these situations occur in the brain.
Grant information:
I am part of the H2020 ERC StG HelpUS grant, of which Valeria Gazzola is the recipient of.
Fun fact about me:
Every year on my birthday, I design a game for my friends based on a significant event from the past year. Last year’s game was all about my adventure hiking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal. When I’m not hiking epic trails, you’ll find me immersed in data analysis. You can always tell how my work is going by the sounds from my office: singing means success, and cursing means back to debugging!
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