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A Quantitative Comparison of Inhibitory Interneuron Size and Distribution between Mouse and Macaque V1, Using Calcium-Binding Proteins

Onderzoeksgroep Roelfsema
Publicatiejaar 2020
Gepubliceerd in Cerebral Cortex Communications
Auteur(s) Roxana N. Kooijmans, Wesley Sierhuis, M.W. Self, P.R. Roelfsema

The mouse is a useful and popular model for studying of visual cortical function. To facilitate the translation of results from mice to primates, it is important to establish the extent of cortical organization equivalence between species and to identify possible differences. We focused on the different types of interneurons as defined by calcium-binding protein (CBP) expression in the layers of primary visual cortex (V1) in mouse and rhesus macaque. CBPs parvalbumin (PV), calbindin (CB), and calretinin (CR) provide a standard, largely nonoverlapping, labeling scheme in macaque, with preserved corresponding morphologies in mouse, despite a slightly higher overlap. Other protein markers, which are relevant in mouse, are not preserved in macaque. We fluorescently tagged CBPs in V1 of both species, using antibodies raised against preserved aminoacid sequences. Our data demonstrate important similarities between the expression patterns of interneuron classes in the different layers between rodents and primates. However, in macaque, expression of PV and CB is more abundant, CR expression is lower, and the laminar distribution of interneuron populations is more differentiated. Our results reveal an integrated view of interneuron types that provides a basis for translating results from rodents to primates, and suggest a reconciliation of previous results.

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