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Predictive coding for the actions and emotions of others and its deficits in autism spectrum disorders

Onderzoeksgroep Gazzola
Publicatiejaar 2024
Gepubliceerd in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Auteur(s) Christian Keysers, Giorgia Silani, Valeria Gazzola

Traditionally, the neural basis of social perception has been studied by showing participants brief examples of the actions or emotions of others presented in randomized order to prevent participants from anticipating what others do and feel. This approach is optimal to isolate the importance of information flow from lower to higher cortical areas. The degree to which feedback connections and Bayesian hierarchical predictive coding contribute to how mammals process more complex social stimuli has been less explored, and will be the focus of this review. We illustrate paradigms that start to capture how participants predict the actions and emotions of others under more ecological conditions, and discuss the brain activity measurement methods suitable to reveal the importance of feedback connections in these predictions. Together, these efforts draw a richer picture of social cognition in which predictive coding and feedback connections play significant roles. We further discuss how the notion of predicting coding is influencing how we think of autism spectrum disorder.

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