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Sleep Health

Onderzoeksgroep Van Someren
Publicatiejaar 2024
Gepubliceerd in Clinical and Translational Neuroscience
Auteur(s) Albrecht P.A. Vorster, Eus Van Someren, Allen I. Pack, Reto Huber, Markus H. Schmidt, Claudio L.A. Bassetti
Together with (physical and mental) exercise, diet, and social activities, sleep is a key health behavior that occupies one third of our lives, yet remains neglected. In the first part of this review, we present the current knowledge on how sleep promotes body, brain, mental, occupational, and social health as well as creativity, productivity, and well-being. In the second part, we discuss how good sleep and screening for sleep–wake disorders may improve health and reduce the burden of brain, mental, cardiovascular, metabolic disorders and cancer. We also review the literature on measurements of sleep health and present the Bernese Sleep Health Questionnaire, a new and simple tool to assess sleep health and screen for sleep–wake circadian disorders in clinical practice.

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