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Selective changes in vasopressin neurons and astrocytes in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of Prader-Willi syndrome subjects

Onderzoeksgroep Kalsbeek Groep
Publicatiejaar 2025
Gepubliceerd in Journal of Neuroendocrinology
Auteur(s) Felipe Correa-da-Silva, Jari B Berkhout, Pim Schouten, Margje Sinnema, Constance T R M Stumpel, Leopold M G Curfs, Charlotte Höybye, Ahmed Mahfouz, Onno C Meijer, Alberto M Pereira, Eric Fliers, Dick F Swaab, Andries Kalsbeek, Chun-Xia Yi

Strong association with remote EBV infection in children with MS as opposed to other acquired demyelinating disorders

Publicatiejaar 2025
Gepubliceerd in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Auteur(s) Sandy Molenaar, Sandra Scherbeijn, Arlette Bruijstens, Michiel Simon Jan Buijze, Joost Smolders, Corine Geurts van Kessel, Rinze Frederik Neuteboom

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